Propagation: Outstanding but Unsatisfied !

We're experiencing some challenges with propagation during the 9M1Z DXPedition. Our friends in the region, from 9M6 (Sabah) and V85 (Brunei), have confirmed similar instability in the bands affecting Borneo Island over the past five days. While we've been able to establish connections primarily with Europe (EU), Oceania (VK), and Asia (AS), reaching…

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CQ Operating Page has Enhanced!

Attention DX Enthusiasts! Enhanced CQ Operating Page for the 9M1Z DXPedition We're committed to continuously improving the CQ Operating Page for the 9M1Z DXPedition, making it easier for you to connect with us! These enhancements aim to not only benefit DX hunters but also contribute valuable insights to the amateur radio community, informing…

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RTTY is now Ready!

Attention DX Hunters! Exciting News for the 9M1Z DXPedition! We're thrilled to announce the addition of RTTY mode to the 9M1Z DXPedition! This exciting new mode will be piloted by the esteemed Dr. Hisham Marmin (9M2DOC), who plans to cover a wide range of bands. Calling all RTTY enthusiasts! This is your chance…

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New Band Plan is now take Effective!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, including recent QSB (fading signals) and QRM (interference) experienced at our QTH (station location), particularly during Borneo Island’s unpredictable weather (think dramatic cloud formations and heavy thunderstorms), we’ve had to make some adjustments.Anyway, the new band plan has been released and announced.

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Band Plan under revised!

Greetings on this beautiful day! We're reaching out with an important update regarding our band plan. Due to unforeseen circumstances, including recent QSB (fading signals) and QRM (interference) experienced at our QTH (station location), particularly during Borneo Island's unpredictable weather (think dramatic cloud formations and heavy thunderstorms), we've had to make some adjustments.…

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RECORDING: Calling All Shortwave Listeners (SWLs) and Radio Enthusiasts!

Calling All Shortwave Listeners (SWLs) and Radio Enthusiasts! We're on the hunt for recordings featuring your incredible radio work! Whether you've captured captivating SWLs or collaborated with us on the airwaves, we'd love to showcase your talent. What We're Looking For: Recordings of any kind (audio or video) that highlight your SWL experiences…

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1920 QSOs in 2 DAYS and some recordings

Since its official launch on June 15th, 9M1Z has taken the amateur radio community by storm. Enthusiasm has been building for the past two days, with stations from all corners of the globe tuning in. Today, June 17th, coinciding with Eid al-Adha, activity may take a slight pause. However, a huge thank you…

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Successful DXCC Update for 9M1Z Station!

Following internal testing of the 9M1Z station, it came to the attention of 9M8HAZ that the assigned DXCC entity remained invalid within WSJT-X and N1MM (and potentially other FT8 and log programs). This meant that contacts made with the 9M1Z station would not be properly credited for DXCC purposes. Proactive in resolving the…

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LOTW ARRL still down!

Current Situation: The Logbook of the World (LOTW), a critical online database used by amateur radio operators (also known as "ham radio operators") to record and verify their contacts with other stations, is currently unavailable due to an IT system or network failure at the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) headquarters. This outage…

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