e-QSL: Clublog, QRZ, HRDLog.net, LOTW

Paper QSL: Direct QSL card to 9W8ZZK or 9M8WIN, pls include 4 green stamp with SASE/SAE for reply.

NO BURO, this is the work/collective DXPedition by the volunteer DXPedition teams.

How do we log?

For CLUBLOG – It will be real-time logs. You can refer to https://clublog.org/livestream/9m1z to confirm your callsign is really has been logged or not.

For HRDLog.Net – It will be real-time logs. You can refer to https://www.ham365.net/db/Logbook/9M1Z to confirm your callsign is really has been logged or not.

For QRZ.com – It wont be real-time log. The logs will be uploaded sometime 2-5 times a week.

For LOTW – It will be uploaded at the end of the DXpedition. However, its depend on how the service irruption. 9M1Z registrations still under progress a day before LOTW is down.

We currently have 1 active logging server and 2 backup logging servers whenever comes to QSO logging. Incase we missed few logs or emergency, we still able to restore the missing QSOs.

The Active logging server (with some integrated and modification made by 9M8HAZ) will upload the QSOs into ClubLog and HRDLog.Net. We plan to make it auto-upload into QRZ.com, but somehow QRZ.com integration is slow, so we decided to upload it manually. At the same time, the logs will sync/ forwarded into 2 backup logging servers.

Received digital/electronic QSL Cards