The Beginning!

The team gathered in person to discuss the upcoming DXPedition.

Our initial plan was to activate 9M0 in the Spratly Islands. However, 9M8HAZ received news from the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and tourism agencies that the island was undergoing long-term maintenance, forcing us to postpone the DXPedition.

9M8WIN then proposed switching to a “Tips of Borneo” DXPedition as an alternative. 9M8HAZ and 9W8ZZK suggested 9M1 as the callsign for this first Tips of Borneo event. Surprisingly, no one initially recognized the rarity and specialness of the 9M1 prefix. Regardless, we moved forward with it.

In essence, we decided to hold a pre-DXPedition for the Spratly Islands on Borneo Island (OC-088) at the “Tips of Borneo” located in Sarawak and Sabah, starting from the zero-kilometer mark.

The first official meeting confirmed Tanjung Datu in Teluk Melano, Sarawak, as the location for this initial DXPedition.

The meeting involved members of the 9M8J group: 9M8WIN, 9M8HAZ, 9M8LJW, 9W8ZZK, and 9W8BAT, along with our guest, 9W8TEN.

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