Band Plan under revised!

Greetings on this beautiful day! We’re reaching out with an important update regarding our band plan. Due to unforeseen circumstances, including recent QSB (fading signals) and QRM (interference) experienced at our QTH (station location), particularly during Borneo Island’s unpredictable weather (think dramatic cloud formations and heavy thunderstorms), we’ve had to make some adjustments.

The revised plan will likely incorporate the 40 meters, 20 meters and WARC bands, specifically 12 meters, 17 meters, and 30 meters. Additionally, exciting news for RTTY (Radio Teletype) operators: the new 9M1Z band plan will embrace RTTY mode!

The revised plan will be officially announced and put into effect within 1-2 days. Let’s work together to navigate this change. We wish you all the best on the airwaves, and look forward to connecting soon!

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