CQ Operating Page has Enhanced!

Attention DX Enthusiasts! Enhanced CQ Operating Page for the 9M1Z DXPedition

We’re committed to continuously improving the CQ Operating Page for the 9M1Z DXPedition, making it easier for you to connect with us! These enhancements aim to not only benefit DX hunters but also contribute valuable insights to the amateur radio community, informing future DXPedition development.

Exciting new features have been added to the CQ Operation Page:

  • Real-time Antenna Beaming Information: Track the direction of the pilot’s antennas and see which countries, regions, or continents are currently within the beam. This empowers DX hunters in targeted areas to optimize their reception for a successful QSO!

Your Valuable Feedback Matters:

We constantly strive to refine the DXPedition experience and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts via email at marhazk@gmail.com. Together, let’s make the next 9M1Z DXPedition even more successful!

NOTES: You can access to our CQ Operating Page at https://www.marhazk.com/9m1z/cq/ or https://www.marhazk.com/9m1z/live

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