Band out, Almost All DXs unreachable!

Not at all expected, a Severe (G4) geomagnetic storm is in progress following a CME passage Friday morning. The solar wind speed increased to near 500 km/s and the plasma density showed a nice increase as well over the past few hours. Needless to say, the timing is not great for aurora sky watchers in Europe and most of North America with sunlight now upon us. Further updates will be provided as the day progresses.

UPDATE: Storm conditions have since subsided. A minor (G1) geomagnetic storm watch will remain in effect for the next 12 hours while the CME disturbance continues to pass Earth.


All the band were affected and unstable due to this recent geomagnetic storms. Only local or nearby DXs can be reached however the output is not satisfying. The bands might be expected recover probably in next 3 days if there is no another geomagnetic storms.

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