9M1Z Semporna Islands DXpedition – Mabul Island (Is. #2)

We’re thrilled to share some updates about the upcoming Semporna Islands DXpedition!

Confirmed First Activation: Mabul Island

Get ready to hear us live from Mabul Island, the confirmed first island for our QRV (Quick Response Validation) activations! We’ll be there soon, setting the stage for exciting DX adventures across the Semporna Islands.

Timba-Timba Island: Potential Next Stop

Timba-Timba Island is a strong contender to be our QRV destination after conquering the third Semporna Island. However, the exact activation sequence for the remaining islands is still being finalized. We’ll keep you posted on the official timeline closer to the expedition.

Final Timeline Coming Soon

Mark your calendars! We expect to have the finalized Semporna Islands DXpedition timeline locked in by late August 2024, so stay tuned for the complete schedule.

Kapalai Island Update

We received news from Cezar, the Operations Manager & Deputy General Manager of Islands on the Air (IOTA) Ltd., that Kapalai Island will unfortunately not be included in the OC-133 IOTA activation. While this is a slight change of plans, it doesn’t dampen our enthusiasm for exploring the other fantastic islands within OC-133.

We’re eager to embark on this DXpedition and share the experience with you. Get ready for updates and exciting news as we gear up for the adventure!

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